On November 28, a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates and diploma winners of the Annual National Truck and Road Award took place. The official announcement of the winners of a professional award in the field of road freight transport was held at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
According to the results of voting, an expert jury included of representatives of freight forwarders associations, logistics operators, cargo owners, as well as employees of scientific institutes and specialized media. Laureates and winners of the National Award were announced in six nominations. The diploma winner of the prestigious professional award in the category “Logistics partner of the industry” was the RUSTA Group of Companies.
At the National Truck and Road Award, the RUSTA acted as a logistics partner of the new format, which offers its customers a full range of transport and logistics services with the necessary modern and technological level of service – online tracking, insurance policies for various types of risks and operational analytics. The rapid development of the RUSTA GC for more than a decade is embodied in the products offered, both for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as for large players, taking into account their specifics. The range of services based on its own resources, which includes warehousing services, customs clearance, legal and accounting advice, allows the RUSTA GC to be a reliable partner in carrying out high-quality business support.
It should be noted that applications for the National Award were submitted by more than 40 companies – participants of the truck transportation market, and the National Truck and Road Award in the field of truck transportation was established in 2017 by the same business information portal on the initiative and with the active participation of the Intersectoral Expert Council on development of the automotive and road freight industry (IEC) and with the support of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.
The main objective of the National Truck and Road Award in the field of truck transportation in 2018 was to increase prestige and create a favorable investment climate, as well as to draw attention of the country's business community to the positive processes occurring in the truck market, which plays a significant role in the country's economy.