The advantage of motor transport on medium-line haul routes in many companies is an obvious fact. At the same time, according to experts, a part of the volume of the commercial road transportation market belongs to the RUSTA Group of Companies. Today, it provides its partners with a range of transportation services with the necessary modern and technological level of service - online tracking, insurance policies for various types of risks and operational analytics. All this allows making the products offered the most attractive for both small and medium-sized businesses, and for large players, taking into account the specifics of their business and KPI.
The RUSTA is a logistics operator of a new format that offers its customers a full range of transportation and logistics services not only in the European part of Russia, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space. From here, by the way, the history of cargo transportation by international routes, the history of Sovtransavto-Moscow JSC and the young RUSTA Group of Companies, which successfully continued the development of international logistics, takes its origin.
The enterprise began its historical trajectory in 1945 with the creation of a motorcade number 34 in the Moscow Region of Lyublino. In 1955, the motorcade moved to Kuntsevo, and three years later – to the Workers Settlement of the Moscow Region, after which it received a new name “Kuntsevo Motorcade No. 2”. By the way, it was precisely this MTE that in 1963 was charged with the responsibility of organizing regular transportation of goods by road along international routes. The enterprise began to carry out regular interregional and inter-republican freight transportation. Later, the motorcade was reorganized into the Kuntsevo Intercity Motor Transport Enterprise.
On August 9, 1963, that is exactly 55 years ago, a significant event in the history of the enterprise took place. On this day, the first road train went to the capital of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the city of Prague. This was the beginning of international transportation. In the autumn of 1968, a special government decree was issued establishing the Main Department of International Road Service, which was named Sovtransavto, and the first company included in the new system was the Kuntsevo Intercity Motor Transport Enterprise. By the way, in 2018, the legendary brand in the domestic world of road transport – Sovtransavto HC CJSC celebrates its 50th anniversary.
But let’s back to half a century ago. Thousands of trucks, workers and employees moved along new caravan routes, and the constant expansion of transportation geography in the countries of the Western Europe, Scandinavia, the Eastern Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Mongolia made it possible to constantly improve the quality of services provided, which, in turn, contributed to the Sovtransavto system at the proper level to compete with the Western carriers.
Since 2004, a turning point in history of the Sovtransavto HC CJSC has begun. In order to achieve the goals and implement the new project Sovtransavto-Moscow together with the Westauto Belarusian enterprise, in 2007 the RUSTA Management Company was incorporated. Its rapid development soon turned into an extensive branch network in many regions of Russia. This allowed the RUSTA to become one of the largest holding companies providing modern freight services in the Russian Federation and CIS countries.
Ten years of work in the conditions of active and tough competition in the market sets new goals for the RUSTA GC, the achievement of which is possible only with the joint cooperation of all parts of a large family of professionals. And these are companies that have certificates of inclusion in the registers of customs representatives, customs carriers, owners of temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses, drivers, freight forwarders, logisticians, and many others, whose work constitutes the entire power of the RUSTA GC. One of the highlights of its life can be called participation in the first China-Mongolia-Russia international freight rally along the route Tianjin-Erenhot-Ulan-Bator-Ulan-Ude. This run gave a start to the symbolic bridge of friendship and the launch of the movement of freight transport along a new economic corridor, which united Russia with the countries of Asia.
Today, the RUSTA Group of Companies, under the leadership of Sergey Burago, the General Director, a member of IEC, a professional with extensive experience and an active position as an industry expert, is a technological group of professionals with a 10-year history in the field of road transportation and in general logistics services in Russia, the CIS and Europe with its own car park. These are drivers with many years of experience in the field of road transportation, systematically undergoing certification and advanced training. This is a GPS / GLONASS automation system for vehicle traffic (Track & Trace) with the ability to provide remote on-line access for customers, allowing to be technologically advanced on the market. Moreover, the RUSTA GC is an additional set of services based on its own resources, which includes warehousing services, customs clearance, insurance, and legal and accounting advice. All this allows the RUSTA GC to be a reliable partner for carriers and to provide high-quality business support.
Vestnik Rosavtotransa (Bulletin of Russian motor transport): No. 43 number 2018.